Social Studies 10-1 (5 credits) Perspectives on Globalization - Students explore multiple perspective on the origins of globalization and the impact of globalization on identity, lands, cultures, economies, human rights and quality of life. The course also examines the relationships among globalization, citizenship, and identity to enhance skills for citizenship in a world in which all people are increasingly interconnected and interdependent (online).
Social Studies 10-2 (5 credits) Living in a Globalizing World - Students will explore multiple perspectives on the origin of globalization and the impact of globalization on identity, lands, cultures , economics, human rights and quality of life. They will also examine the relationships among globalization, citizenship and identity in order to enhance skills for citizenship in a world in which all people are increasingly interconnected and interdependent (online).
Social 20-1 (5 credits) Perspectives on Nationalism - Students explore the complexities of nationalism in Canadian and international contexts. The course includes study of the origins of nationalism and the influence of nationalism on regional, international, and global relations. The infusion of multiple perspectives allow students to develop understandings of nationalism and how nationalism contributes to the citizenship and identities of peoples in Canada. (online)
Social 20-2 (5 credits) Understanding of Nationalism - Students focus on "To what extent should we embrace nationalism?" This examines the historical and contemporary understanding of nationalism in Canada and the world. The origins and impacts of nationalism on individuals and communities are explored using examples of nationalism, ultra-nationalism, supra-nationalism, and internationalism examined from multiple perspectives. Topics of study include the French Revolution, World War 1, ultra-nationalism in Nazi Germany, and the development of foreign policy in the Global Village. (online)
Social 30-1 (5 credits) This course examines the concepts of conflict and cooperation in the twentieth century. It investigates the values, principles, and characteristics, of the major political and economic systems. This study considers history, geography, economics and political science. The course content includes economies (market, command and mixed) and two major political systems (dictatorship and democracy). (online) There is a diploma exam for this course: course mark 70%, diploma exam mark 30%.
Social 30-2 (5 credits) This course covers the historical study of change in Europe with particular focus on the twentieth century with consideration of conflict and cooperation and political and economic systems. It focuses on world political and economic systems, and the turmoil throughout. (online) There is a diploma exam for this course: course mark 70%, diploma exam mark 30%.