Curling Success
Posted on Mar. 3, 2025A huge congratulations to the curling team who took home bronze at Provincials! The finals were rough, but they played with integrity and perseverance and we could not be more proud of their accomplishment.
A huge congratulations to the curling team who took home bronze at Provincials! The finals were rough, but they played with integrity and perseverance and we could not be more proud of their accomplishment.
Raffle for a Stunning Bronze Sculpture and More! Imagine owning a beautiful bronze sculpture! The 2025 Grad class is raffling off this incredible piece of art as their grand prize. Second prize is also…
Congratulations to the Boys Curling team on their Zones win! They will be headed to Provincials on February 27, so be sure to cheer them on!
The DHS Class of 2025 will be collecting bottles again to raise money for their grad celebrations. The drive will take place on Feb. 15, 2025, starting at 2:00 pm. There will also be a trailer sitting…
Get ready for a month full of kindness and connection! During the week of Valentine’s, Leadership students will be selling Valentine’s grams that will be delivered on February 14. There will also…
One semester down, one to go! The last of the exams were written this morning and now all that's left for our hard-working students to do is enjoy their break. We will see you all back here on Monday…
DHS Grad Fundraiser Bottle Drive. Save those holiday bottles for our 2025 grad class. Date: Jan. 3, 2025 Time: 2:00 pm.
Didsbury High School would like to thank our community partners at AltaGas Harmattan Plant for their generous donation to our school! Our library now has a brand new fleet of 30 Chromebooks as well…
DHS Band concert is Sunday at 2 pm. If you are unable to make you join us on our live stream.
Play times Friday Dec 6 @7pm- $15 Saturday Dec 7 @1pm- $10 Saturday Dec 7 @7 pm- $15 Tickets can be purchased from a drama student or at the office. If you have any questions call the school, 403-335-3356
Red Deer Polytechnic will be hosting Student for a Day on Friday, November 29, 2024 from 9am – 3pm. This will include a Free Lunch. The day will include a variety of activities from numerous RDP…
Welcome to our Save On Foods Grocery Gift Card fundraiser! This is a fantastic way for families to raise funds for graduation while taking care of their grocery needs. Here’s how it works: Purchase…
Fall break November 8 -11, 2024 Classes will resume Tuesday November 12th
Don't forget to order your November Hot Lunch.
DHS staff working on our recent Collaborative Day around supporting all students.
Please join us at Didsbury High School Tuesday Sept. 24th for our ELAA event. This event runs from 6:00pm - 7:00pm and is followed by our academic awards ceremony. 20 Colleges and Universities from…
Girls in Aviation Day Alberta September 21. 2024 Visit
Is your student curious about a career in emergency services? Check out the amazing Fire Cadet Program through the Didsbury Fire Department! Forms can be picked up at the school or found at the link in…
Classes are just starting up, but a few of our students have already been hard at work. These students took part in the Jump Start program, completing summer courses on various computer-related topics…
Picture day is just around the corner. Tuesday September 10.
There will be a welcome back Lunch for students will be Friday September 6, 2024.
The first day of school is September 3, 2024. See you all soon.
Matt Hodge and Biz Loades both receiving their welding pre-employment certification from Olds College. They both qualify to write their AIT exam and have their first year of apprenticeship training under…
If you are unable to make it to our DHS Band Finale tonight or tomorrow we will be live streaming them. Below are the links Thursday Jazz Band 7 pm @ DHS Gym Friday Symphonic Winds 7 pm @DHS Gym
This weeks spotlight is the Chemical Engineer Program at The University Of Alberta.
If you cannot attend our Cap and Gown Ceremony you can watch it on our live stream! Here is the link for our 2024 Cap And Gown Ceremony
A little happy news to start off your morning:AB Smith won gold at the Canadian National Darts Championship in Quebec! We are so excited for him!
Congrats to Mr. Wassmer who received the Keith Mann/NAC Orchestra Outstanding Band Director Award after the Symphonic Winds' incredible performance this morning.
DHS Band is Currently in Toronto. Their performance is Wednesday May 15. The schedules is as follows: The Symphonic Winds will be playing at 8 AM (MDT) Minor Six will be playing at 12 PM (MDT). Here…
This week I SAIT Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, 2 year program
Please take a second to look at our June Exam schedule so you can be prepared as possible. Exams are just around the corner.
Every week we will be looking at some post Secondary options that my be of interest to our students. This week is Olds College Agronomist Program.
May leadership hot lunches are now available online. Don't miss out. Get your orders in.
Students in grade 10,11,12 can earn 6 credits over the summer. Scan the QR to register.
Didsbury DQ is hosting a fundraising event for DHS tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23. The fundraiser is in memory of Lila and Reid, and all proceeds will be donated back to the DHS scholarship/benevolent…
April hot lunches are now available online to order. All hot lunch orders are due the Friday before.
The DHS Class of 2024 Student and Parent Grad Committee will be selling Growing Smiles Spring Flowers and bedding plants to help raise funds for our Celebrations Banquet. This fundraiser will be an online…
Congratulations to the DHS Boys Curling team for winning Gold at the Southern Divisional Curling tournament this week in Cochrane! Playing for Didsbury High was Johan Eriksson, Donovan Rauhala, Peyton…
Congratulations to the DHS Jr A Boys Basketball team for winning Gold at the Oilfields Basketball Tournament in Diamond Valley February 2 & 3! Playing for Didsbury High was Jared Quintana Solis, Kash…
The Mountain View Family Resource network is offering a seven week group program for youth age 13+ experiencing loss and wanting to share, learn, and process hard feelings Thursdays from February 8 to…
Didsbury FCSS, Mountain View Family Resource network and Mountain View Emergency Shelter are having a Free 4-week program for Adults to help children deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving and Other…
The Didsbury High School Christmas Concert, Tea and Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, December 17th at 2:00 P.M. in the Didsbury High School Gymnasium. In addition to being a beautiful afternoon…
Congratulations to all Cast and Crew of the DHS Drama presentation of "A Christmas Carol"! It was a wonderful show to start the Christmas Season!
Mr. Read's Chem 20 students participated in a Scuba Diving Field trip to support their learning of gases.
Mrs Morgan's Social 30-2 student participated in a Cold War Amazing Race. Thanks to Miss Budd who is instrumental in the organization and implementation of this every year!
Chem 20 students playing with supersaturated solution to make snow globes!
Please click below for a detail list of the January 2024 Final Exam Schedule for all classes. DHS January 2024 Exam Schedule
Congratulations to the following Didsbury High School students for their successful season with the MVFA Bantam Tigers and Hugh Sutherland Kodiaks Football teams! Jared Quintana grade 9 won Difference…
Gr 9's had fun learning about Metis culture and the uses of the Metis sash. They attempted finger weaving (some more successfully than others) to make friendship bracelets.
Congratulations to: Drew DeLong Mackenzie Dodman Brandon Holliday Georgia Holliday Kyle Holowenko Evan Kohut Kai Morrison Dane Nielsen Who represented DHS at the Alberta Band Association Provincial Wind…
Please join us in the DHS School Gym Wednesday October 25th for our ELAA event. 20 Colleges and Universities from across Alberta will be at DHS to showcase their post-secondary institution. This is an…
Congratulations to the Sr Girls Volleyball team for their first place win at the Innisfail High School Tournament over the weekend! The team played very well!
DHS Social 20 students had a wonderful day at the Powwow in Red Deer today learning about Indigenous Culture!
Mr. Read's Grade 9 Science students were doing some experiences testing the properties of various substances last week!
Reminder to that the Grad 2024 Parent Planning Committee Meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday October 18, 2023. Any parents interested in helping plan the Grad 2024 Celebrations ceremony are welcome…
Congratulations to the DHS Yearbook team for achieving the award of Silver for their work on the 2022/2023 Yearbook! Out of 15,000 schools entered they were 1 of 44 to achieve Silver! Well done!
Staff and students wore Orange Shirts today in recognition of the Every Child Matters movement.
We will be having the DHS 2022/2023 Awards Ceremony Thursday September 28, 2023 to celebrate the accomplishments of our students last year. Meet the Teacher 6:30 pm Awards Ceremony 7:00 pm
Congratulations to the DHS boys golf team for their amazing second place finish at zones yesterday in Diamond Valley. Sawyer Campbell, Jeff Oldford, Quinn Heck and Cole Howard will be representing DHS…
This video provides some quick basic tips for student cyber security.
In support of the Every Child Matters movement, we will be having Orange Shirt Day on Friday September 29th.
The DHS Terry Fox Run will take place on Tuesday September 19th at 2:00 pm. We are raising money to support the Terry Fox foundation.
Meet the Teacher Night is Thursday September 28th from 6:30 - 7:00 pm. 2022/2023 Awards Ceremony will be on Thursday September 28th 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Here are the DHS School Supplies Lists for the 2023/2024 School Year! Grade 9 School Supplies Sr High School Supplies
DHS is very proud of our Grads! Congratulations on achieving this milestone!
What a fantastic Concert Last Night!! If you would like to watch it again, below is the concert.
What a fantastic concert last night! Well Done DHS Music Jazz Musicians! Below is the concert link:
The DHS Symphonic Winds Band and Jazz Bands played for Westglen and Ross Ford Students today! For the final two pieces they were joined by Westglen Grade 8 Band students!
Olds College is offering an excellent opportunity for students interested in agriculture. Olds College Science Camp July 30 to August 4, 2023. CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION BROCHURE
Bio 20 students worked hard yesterday in their Heart Dissection lab.
All students at DHS came together to celebrate the accomplishments of all our student athletes from the 2022/2023 school year! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our coaches who…
Today the students of DHS participated in an our Indigenous Flag Ceremony. The flags have been previously blessed in a separate CESD ceremony and will be hung in the main foyer during the summer.…
Mr. Jesse's Science 24 class examining DNA by building DNA models using CANDY!
If you were unable to join us for our orientation evening on May 9th, below you will find the information that was shared. Grade 8/9 Orientation Information Grade 9/10 High School Orientation Information…
Congratulations to Johan Eriksson who won Silver at the Provincial Skills Canada competition in Edmonton last week.
Students in Mr. Read's Chem 20 class were learning about Saturation and Solutions and created these wonderful Snow Globes to illustrate the process!
Chinook's Edge has recognized the wonderful Music Programs we have here is Didsbury. Check out this terrific video showcasing Music in Didsbury! So proud of them all!
Didsbury High School is changing the format of our School/Parent Council Meetings. We will now be having them online to hopefully encourage more Parents to attend. The next School/Parent Council Meeting…
Congratulations to the DHS Symphonic Winds on a fantastic tour of the Maritimes over Spring Break! In addition to earning a Gold standing and an invitation to MusicFest - The Nationals in Toronto next…
The DHS Symphonic Winds Sr Concert Band will be performing with Maritimes Brass Quintet in the Lillian Piercey Hall on Sunday April 9th at 7:30 pm Halifax time / 4:30 pm Alberta time. DHS Maritimes Concert…
The 2023 Grads will be selling Spring Flower Pots and Bedding Plants to raise funds for Grad. Starting March 30 to April 18! Plants will be delivered Friday May 5th To order online please use the following…
The DHS Class of 2023 Student and Parent Grad Committee will be selling CocoBrooks food items to raise money for the DHS Grad 2023 Celebrations and to offset individual graduation costs. This fundraising…
Congratulations to all the Skills Canada competitors who competed at regionals this weekend in Red Deer. And special congratulations to Johan Eriksson for capturing Gold in Carpentry. Johan will be…
For those who attended or missed the Scholarship and Financial Aid meeting last night, here is the digital version of the Information Package with the links. CESD Post Secondary Financial Aid
Semester 2 Interim Report Cards will be available in PowerSchool on Wednesday March 15th. Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Wednesday March 22 from 4pm to 7pm. Please call 403-335-3356 to make…
Congratulations to Drew Delong, Mackenzie Dodman, Kyle Holowenko, Evan Kohut, Matthew Luft, Kai Morrison and Dane Nielsen who represented DHS at the Alberta Band Association Provincial Sr Honour Band…
The DHS Class of 2023 Student and Parent Grad 2023 Committee will be selling Cowboy’s Caviar Beef Jerky to raise funds for Grad Celebrations. Product information can be found on the Cowboy’s Caviar…
International MonthLeadership Lunches for March 2023 March 1: Mexican Beef Taco Salad March 8: Flat Bread Italian Pizza March 15: Italian Lasagna & Garlic Bread March 22: Indian Butter Chicken,…
DHS Exam Week January 23 to 27, 2023 Grade 9 students and parents are reminded that there are no classes running outside of exams during exam week and arrangements should be made for students to go home…
DHS Leadership is having Christmas Extravaganza Week December 19 to 23. Monday Dec 19 - Red & Green Day Tuesday Dec 20 - Christmas Hat Day Wednesday Dec 21 - Ugly Sweater Day Thursday Dec 22 - Elf/Reindeer…
The Didsbury High School Christmas Concert, Tea and Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, December 18th at 2:00 P.M. in the Didsbury High School Gymnasium. In addition to being a beautiful afternoon…
DHS Class times
Student Attendance Yearly Calendar with Numbered Days.
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Parent/Student PowerSchool Sign-in page.
General online registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open!